A 9 Mile Hike

Good morning! Hope everyone is off to a good Monday. One of the highlights from my weekend was getting to go on a long hike.


One of my best friends came to visit for the weekend and we decided to hike Old Rag Mountain. It was a pretty challenging 9-mile hike and a lot of fun.


Hiking is one of my all-time favorite activities. Parts of the hike required us to get on our hands and knees and even do a little climbing.



I’m definitely a girl made for the outdoors!



It took us around 4 hours to finish the trail. My legs felt heavy and exhausted but we felt like we were on top of the world.



It was a great workout and we managed to have things to talk about for the entire excursion. Just your average hiking chatty cathys!

Question of the day: Do you enjoy being outside and/or hiking?

Have a good one!

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36 thoughts on “A 9 Mile Hike

  1. Runner Girl Eats says:

    I love hiking! We are planning a hike for next month and I can’t wait 🙂

  2. This looks like such a fun hike! Mountain hiking is the best because you know there’s going to be an amazing view at the top.

    When we visited California, we did TONS of hiking and it was so much fun. One trail took us through a rocky canyon AND forest AND marshlands – we saw tons of different plants and animals 🙂

  3. That hike looks so awesome!

  4. Taryn says:

    I love hiking! Haven’t been able to find any decent trails around here though :/

  5. Beautiful views from the hike! Looks like a power packed wknd!

  6. Kaitlin says:

    This looks like so much fun! I love being outside and am just trying to find more people to go with me! Happy Monday!

  7. I love hiking!! It is such a rewarding exercise! I used to live near the adirondacks in NY which made for some AMAZING hikes! I miss those mountains!

  8. What a great way to get exercise!

  9. Aw man that looks fun. I wish there was a nice place to go hiking near me!

  10. I’ve never done much hiking, but what I’ve done, I’ve loved! I love the outdoors and basically doing anything outside and I have been super blessed by a crazy 2-year-old boy that loves being outside too, so that helps alot 🙂

  11. Katie H. says:

    I haven’t done much hiking. I like to think that I enjoy the outdoors. But to be honest, the weather has to be PERFECT and there has to be zero bugs and I have to be dressed right and…. so I’m not sure that is really true 🙂

  12. I miss hiking! I need time to do that again

  13. Beautiful pictures! I don’t have anywhere super close that beautiful and that intense. I’d love to try it though!

  14. I love hiking, I’m so excited to head out for a long hike with Bentley this summer 🙂

  15. Courtney says:

    9 miles?! Jeez… the photos are gorgeous! 😀

  16. Abby says:

    Ugh, love that you guys are hiking around in shorts and tank tops! Beautiful! What a great workout, though! 🙂

  17. jumpeatrun says:

    Looks like an awesome hike! perfect for a beautiful day!

  18. Gorgeous, gorgeous! I love hiking and I can’t wait until the weather warms up so I can start up again. I spent the weekend going down mountains (snowboarding), but hiking is a whole other realm of fun.

  19. I haven’t gone hiking in a very long time, now I really want to! You and yor friend look cute in your almost matching shorts 🙂

  20. bezzymates says:

    Great pictures. I love a vigorous hike outdoors to get the winter cobwebs off.

  21. Ahh that looks so much fun and so beautiful! I can’t wait for our weather to FINALLY get nice here in WI so that I can get outside and go hiking again! One of my favorite things to do somewhere scenic when it’s nice outside! 🙂

  22. jealous! it looks so beautiful!

  23. Lilly Sue says:

    Looks awesome and fun! I love hiking and the outdoors 🙂 When I was in Atlanta a few weeks ago we planned on this 10.2 mile hike…already a long walk but it was even longer when we took a wrong turn and made it 16.2 miles…I can’t say I was completely thrilled with hiking after that lol!

  24. IRENA says:

    Love hiking and the outdoors too! Landscape there looks fantastic!

  25. Carrie says:

    Cue pictures! Hiking is no joke–definitely a full-body workout!

  26. Brittany says:

    I did this same thing yesterday!! A friend was in town for a few days and we went on an 8 mile hike and it took us around 3hrs, and we chatted non stop the entire time!! It was wonderful! Great photos!

  27. That looks awesome but intense!

  28. So jealous of your bright sunny day! I can’t wait until our paths are cleared of snow and a bit less muddy so I can start hiking this summer! Your hike looked like a blast!

  29. Looks like a great hike!

  30. I have lots of friends that have hiked this! I’ve heard it’s awesome!

  31. Looks like so much fun!! I absolutely love hiking, 9 miles! phew! I would’ve been equally exhausted!

  32. jessielovestorun says:

    Looks like you had the most perfect weather for your hike!!

  33. Courtney @ Star Systemz says:

    Wow what a hike! I would love to do something like that one day! We have a lot of short hiking trails around LA but nothing of that matter. Hope you have a great week love + shine Courtstar

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