Thursday Thursday!

On Tuesday, we went to Mas to celebrate our anniversary. Mas is one of the few Spanish tapas (small dishes) restaurants in the area and it’s quite tasty. We wasted no time and began drooling over the menu, picking out tons of creative dishes.


The food was delicious. My favorites were the salad, the artichoke dip, and the octopus. Lee and I both agreed that we ate a little too much but with all the tasty plates, it’s hard to resist.

We even got all dolled up

We even got all dolled up

My new dress is from Urban Outfitters, cardigan from Splendid, and my booties are from Rack Room- go figure! Lee rocked the fresh from work look and looked quite dapper if I do say so myself.

Since we had such a delectable night out, I got up the next morning to hit the gym. I jumped back on the same treadmill from the day before, hoping to get some inspiration to complete the beast. Later in the evening, I did some yoga videos with my roommate on our DVD player.

After getting our zen on, I called it a night and did a little reading before falling asleep.

This morning, I woke up and headed to the gym for some treadmill incline walking. I woke up at 5:30 AM which I think might be the magic hour to wake up if I want to workout. After the gym, I had extra time (a first!) and enjoyed a few Lara Balls over some reading.


Are you a morning person? If so, have you always been or have you had to train yourself to be one?

Here’s a great post on techniques for waking up in the morning. Have a good one!

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47 thoughts on “Thursday Thursday!

  1. Which anniversary is this for you guys? You looked great and so did you dinner! I’m a morning person generally, I think I just always have been.

  2. sarah says:

    You guys look so cute!
    Yummy food… As always.
    I’m a morning person, but only since starting work when I was 16 now nearly ten years later I’m still waking up between 4-6am.

  3. CultFit says:

    I’m up and going at 4:30 each and every morning. 🙂 Happy anniversary!

  4. HOW do you get up at 5:30 to work out! You’re my idol! love the date night outfit 🙂 I love getting dressed up every now and then

  5. Y’all look so amazing! It looks like you had an incredible evening! And good for you for working out this morning. I always feel so much better when I do! I am naturally more of a morning person. If I can’t fit a workout in then, chances of me doing it later are definitely not in my favor!

  6. Kerry says:

    Oh my goodness, I want those tapas right now. What a cute picture of you and your man 🙂

  7. reluctantlyskinny says:

    I wish I were a morning person, because the few times I’ve forced myself to wakeup and workout around 6, I’ve loved it, and felt better throughout the day. I guess I just like my sleep more! It’s something I’m working on..

  8. so glad you had a blast!

  9. deniliese says:

    YUM! I’m a morning person, but only if it’s 5am morning. If I wake up at 7 or later I’m doomed.

  10. Francene Katzen says:

    Really good looking couple!!!
    Always been a morning person. Like to think its because my Mom made me get up on my own starting in grade school & get everyone else up-did that all thru my school years at home.

  11. Runner Girl Eats says:

    I’m a morning person but unless I want to be a 4am person working out in the morning isn’t an option during the week. But I love my weekend morning workouts!

  12. I am gawking over the food I have never had tapas, so I know they were delicious… I am love with the doggy I have always wanted one but they are so expensive so I just look at pics of them all day.. Such a talent dog to do yoga.. Glad you two had a good time getting dolled up now it is time for valentines day. 🙂

  13. Abby says:

    Too cute, too cute! Looks like you had a great time! I think the best way to go is to just enjoy your food the night before, eat what you may, and then start the next morning on a good note-which is clearly what you did. Great minds think alike? 🙂 I love that doggy yoga thing, too. Adorbs. Have a great Thursday!

  14. Brittany says:

    EEK happy anniversary!! You two are adorable together! That restaurant sounds like so much fun, perfect for people like me that like to try EVERYTHING on the menu! I am def a morning person, though lately I have been sleeping in anywhere between 7-9! That’s what happens when you aren’t working HA!

  15. pickyrunner says:

    Awwww you two are so cute!!!! I love looking at food pictures. Tapas are intriguing to me but I’ve always been a big quantity person haha I like eating a lot of the same food and i don’t like to share 😉

  16. jumpeatrun says:

    I’m totally a morning person and actually have a really hard time working out in the afternoon/evening. But, I leave for work at 6:30 now….so trying to retrain myself to workout at night!

  17. Kaitlin says:

    I’ve always enjoyed mornings but its much more difficult to manage in college when everyone feels the need to stay up late.

    I guess I manage a semi-morning routine 🙂

    Cute dress!

    “Keep Calm and Carry On”

  18. Kate says:

    I love tapas! The evening looks so fun!

    I’m okay in the morning – once my alarm clock goes off, I’m up and at ’em. But I definitely prefer to sleep in if I can! I don’t think I’m ever going to be a person who does 5:30 am workouts! haha

  19. Happy anniversary to you guys! Your dinner looks fabulous. I so wish I could transform into a morning person, but I just don’t think it’ll ever happen for me. It’s a struggle to even wake up by 7:30 to get to work on time!

  20. mmmm tapas. oh & adorable dress!! I love that picture of the puppy too hahaha.

  21. Happy anniversary!! Love the booties 🙂 and the puppy pic of course!

  22. kelseyruns says:

    Happy anniversary! Love the color of your dress! 🙂 I am not a morning person, as in I could sleep till 2 p.m if I didn’t force myself to get up haha.

  23. Aw, you BOTH look quite dapper! Happy anniversary! (And oh man, that cake…)

  24. You guys looked so cute for your anniversary celebration! It is so funny you said 5:30 is your magic hour for waking up! I think it is mine too! It is so weird, if I try to wake up at 6:00 or 6:30 it is much harder, but 5:30 I am practically wide awake when the alarm goes off. So weird…

  25. bezzymates says:

    What an adorable couple. You both look great. I love Tapas and may just have to have some after reading your post. (now I’m craving good tapas.) I hate mornings and it’s a struggle each day to wake up with the alarm.

  26. Cindy says:

    I have always been a workout in the morning person. If it doesn’t get done then then odds are it won’t 😦

  27. Carrie says:

    Awww, looks like a great (and delicious!) anniversary! I’m definitely a morning person. I’ve always enjoyed waking up early, but I did have to “train” myself a bit to get used to my new hours–since team workouts *begin* at 5:45 a.m., that means I have to leave my apartment by 5:15 a.m. at the absolute latest. Waking up *that* early took some getting used to for sure!

  28. Natalie says:

    what a sweet puppy, cutest picture!

  29. When I first read the title of this post I thought it said “Thirsty Thursday.” Oh man, I guess I know where my head subconsciously is ;).

    Love the dress. So cute!

  30. Nicole says:

    First of all, you are a lovely looking couple! 🙂 That dress is SO adorable!!! Secondly, that pic of our dog made me laugh out loud… Ha, ha!!!

  31. Nicole says:

    Hmmm, ‘your’ dog… not ‘our’ dog… Geez, that sounded creepy! LOL!! Apparently, it’s too early for me to type..

  32. Anne says:

    Yum! Octopus is my FAVORITE!

    I am a morning person, but what I tell people who struggle to wake up early is this,
    “No matter if your alarm goes off at 5am or 9am, ya still don’t want to get up, so it really doesn’t matter what time it goes off.”

  33. Run Eat Play says:

    Happy anniversary! I love your dress! I never was a morning person until I had kids – now im a morning person, but don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee!!

  34. Ah cutee!! That food looks soooo delicious. Definitely made me want tapas asap :)) I am a morning person, definitely need coffee, & it helps when get everyything ready the night before. Makes my mornings much better.

  35. I am absolutely a morning person and always have been. Sleeping in for me is 7:00 am. Nothing better than being up early, running and being done before the rest of the world is getting up. The morning is also the best time to get stuff done in silence – before the phone is ringing and people are looking for you.

  36. OMG, your dog is adorable!

  37. I just saved the picture of that dog to my computer! TOO CUTE!

    I am definitely a morning person. I never thought the day would come! When my schedule started to become more full, I needed to make changes so that I had time to workout, etc.!

  38. ligonsn says:

    So cute…hope you guys had a great night and a good weekend!! I could definitely eat a few boxes of girl scout cookies!! 😉

  39. The mornings are nice…if you can get up lol. I love them, because I am energized all day after!

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