Healthy Snacks

Last night was a cooking kinda’ night. I wanted to make some things that I could snack on for the week that were healthy and tasty so I opted for some homemade popcorn (if you can call popcorn homemade) and LaraBars (definitely homemade).

Easy popcorn to snack on for the week

Easy popcorn to snack on for the week

Homemade Lara Bars

Homemade LaraBars Balls

For the popcorn, I just popped the kernels in canola oil over the stove and added garlic salt, pepper, and grated Parmesan cheese. I’ll snack on this for a few days but the only problem is that after the first day, the popcorn gets a little soft but it’s still good. (Low budget, low standards for me!)

The Larabars were a little bit more of a challenge because I have a very small and weak food processor so you could say I got a workout in during this cooking session. 😉 These balls are just 2 cups of dates combined with 1 cup of peanuts. (I accidentally started with a 1 to 1 ratio and had to add a few more dates and raisins to balance out the texture- oops!) After combining it with a food processor 1,000 times you roll the dough together and form little balls. I added some pumpkin and cinnamon to a few of mine.

And there we have some snacks for the week- success!

It’s crazy how easy it is to use up the foods in the pantry. I am definitely well over due a grocery shop but I can still get by just by using what I’ve got. I do plan on going shopping this evening to get produce and such.

I had some vegetable soup leftovers for dinner last night that I made on Sunday evening.

What's your flavor soup?

What’s your flavor, soup?

I used frozen broccoli, frozen carrots, 1 onion  lots of red pepper flakes, pepper, sriracha, chicken broth, and coconut milk. Next time, I’ll add less chicken broth and more coconut milk to make the soup a little thicker.

Chicken vegetable soup for the soul

Chicken vegetable soup for the soul

Lots of good eats on a low budget from a kitchen noob.

After the cooking sesh, I headed over to the gym for a second workout of the day. I double blasted as my Mom would say. 🙂 My Hawaii trip is just around the corner and I’ve got to get beach body ready. I completed 30 minutes on the elliptical followed by an upper body workout. It was later in the evening and I didn’t finish my workout until 9:00 pm, definitely a little late for me, and I felt sleepy this morning. Hope everyone is off to a good week.

Have a good Tuesday!

Question of the day: What are your favorite homemade (or store bought) healthy snacks?

‘As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are. Otherwise you will miss most of your life.’ ~Buddha

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39 thoughts on “Healthy Snacks

  1. i have been dying to try making balls like that, I just need to get the ingredients to do it!

  2. Those balls look so easy! I definitely want to try to make them in the future.
    & you can’t go wrong with popcorn.. it’s one of my favorite snacks!

  3. Popcorn is one of my favourit snacks ever! I have still yet to venture into the realm of power balls/protein ball snacks, although I mean it would a great grab and go type snack.

  4. pickyrunner says:

    Yummm homemade popcorn! My mom makes it at home but I’m so lazy, I usually end up getting the store bought stuff.The larabars look really yummy! I’d like to try making a chocolate chip cookie variety!

  5. Katie H. says:

    Mmmm, I’m going to have to make the LaraBalls! Those looks delicious 🙂

  6. Cindy says:

    Two workouts in one day! Awesome 🙂

  7. That soup sounds amazing! Way to use up your leftover groceries, that’s always a great feeling!

  8. Can I have some soup please? That looks tasty! My favorite healthy store bought snack is wasa bread with laughing cow cheese. I’m a cheese and crunch freak so anything that lets me have crunchy and cheese, I’m a happy camper.

  9. Kerry says:

    This is a great post! You’re right, there are so many things we can whip up with food we have on hand. We always make popcorn with bagged kernels over here. So easy and cheap!

  10. Mmmmm those larabar balls sound like something I’d love. Need to try them. My favorite snack is definitely peanut or almond butter (in those single serve pouches) with apple slices!

  11. erika says:

    Oh ps. I love your new blog look! And popcorn is such a great snack–so smart to make it fresh (rather than from a bag) ahead of time! I never mind slightly soft popcorn 🙂 And yum, larabars–so. good.

  12. Ooo! I want to make those “Lara”balls! I don’t have a food processor, but maybe I can figure it out lol. P.S. I eat homemade popcorn alll the time for snacks. It is so much better than the bagged kind.

  13. Lessons Life Teaches Me says:

    Apples and peanut butter combo is a stand by for me, but my popcorn maker maybe making an appearance very soon. I kinda like softer popcorn!

  14. I have been snacking on lots of fruits lately! And of course drinking lots of water and tea at my desk!! The lara balls look great!!

  15. jumpeatrun says:

    both the lara balls and soup sound really good (especially the soup since I’m a bit sick still!)

  16. This soup looks so good! I am a big fan of Chobani yogurt in between meals-I love the apple cinnamon! 🙂

  17. That soup looks delicious! I’ll have to try to make it sometime 🙂

  18. Carrie says:

    Mmmm, the soup looks tasty, especially since it’s getting colder outside. My go-to healthy snacks include almonds, Greek yogurt, and fruit with nut butter.

  19. Anne says:

    I eat popcorn literally EVERY night! Actually I’m eating it as I read your post haha!
    Almonds and 1/2 PB&J sammys are my other go-to snacks!

  20. I love the LaraBalls 🙂 That is an awesome idea, I would’ve never thought to make a homemade version. I eat stale popcorn too, five five for low snack standards! haha

  21. Both of your soups look delicious! As for my favorite healthy snack? I just love hummus and organic pita chips.

  22. I love popcorn! I make airpopped popcorn with olive oil and sea salt and spices. Yum! I have also been into the homemade larabars. They are alll over my blog right now. I just had a chocolate coconut larabar yesterday that I am hoping to remake on my own.

  23. bezzymates says:

    You’re off to Hawaii? Lucky you! It’s 20 below zero here. My fave snack would have to be plain ole’ bananas.

  24. All the food looks delish! I want to make a homemade protein bar recipe that I found online… I just have to actually get around to it 🙂

  25. I love making homemade snacks to bring to work and eat throughout the week. Some of my favorites are granola bites (recipe from How Sweet) granola bars, and granola (obsessed much?) but I’ve always wanted to try a homemade Cliff bar or Larabar recipe. Next on the list!

  26. Love your cheap and easy eats! And if popcorn gets a little stale, just toss it on a baking sheet and pop it in the oven for a few minutes, it dries/crisps right back up!

  27. I do the same thing! Once I discovered homemade popcorn I never went back to the microwaved kind. It tastes so much better and is so much cheaper and healthier! Although my only problem is that I never, ever make it more than two days with the popcorn. I fill up an entire chili pot with popcorn, but I just can’t stop myself from eating all of it lol! So … probably loses a bit of the health factor haha.

  28. yeah I straight up love day old popcorn, gotta say! I’m always trying to figure out what I can snack on guilt free after supper. I’m one of those girls who probs consume half the calories of the day after supper, just brutal!!

  29. Brittany says:

    Popcorn is my go to! I have been eating so much lately. I only pop my own on the stove too. Now I want some, with a movie!

  30. Lilly Sue says:

    I love snacking on popcorn as well. I like chili powder and sugar as seasoning 🙂

  31. Mrs S! says:

    Fruit! Always!
    Raw veggies & hummus and/or salsa …
    … and rice chips if craving SALTY that day! 😉

  32. Yum! That soup looks delish! 🙂

  33. […] the utmost importance. By using a combination of keeping track of your calories burned, and having healthy snacks, you can have so much control over your […]

  34. […] hour to wake up if I want to workout. After the gym, I had extra time (a first!) and enjoyed a few Lara Balls over some […]

  35. […] was so easy. I had extra peanuts that I wanted to use so I tried to make Lara Balls with raisins instead of […]

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